An Old Slideshow From This Year:)

My assignment today was to show an old slideshow from this year, and explain what I needed to do for it. The slideshow I picked was from social studies. Here is a link to it:


What I needed to do for this project is, I got assigned a political party and I needed to write about it and explain what things they wanted to change and why. I did this project for the student vote that our school did, and I think a bunch of other schools in Canada did too. (Comment if you did it!) Our class made slideshows about almost all of the most popular political parties and then presented them to Grade 3 – Grade 8. After everyone presented the kids got to vote. This was just to see that if the kids voted who would win. In the end, the conservative party won for our school. Also, I didn’t do that project alone, I did it with one of my best friends Audrey. You should go check out her blog too, it is amazing! Here is the link to it:

Audrey’s blog:)



My post today is about an idiom. This is the idiom I picked to write about:

This idiom is “I’m as cool as a cucumber”. This idiom means that someone is calm and feels like he or she has no worries. The literal meaning of “I’m as cool as a cucumber” is a cucumber that is cold. I picked this idiom because it is very popular and I thought it would be kind of fun to draw.

Graph Story :)

What is my post today all about? Well, my teacher gave my class a project and she showed us a graph and she told us that we had to make up a story about it. So here you go:

This is the graph, the title is “Jake And The Race” and the time goes by minutes.



There was once a man named Jake, he was 19 years old and he had always dreamed of being in a car race. He researched the race he wanted to be in and it said that you had to be at least 20 years old to be in the race. It also turned out the race was on the day of Jake’s birthday! Finally, the day came, it was his 20th birthday! The day he could finally be in the biggest car race in the world, that he has been dreaming of forever! He got to the race with what it felt like billions of people watching him and the other racers were the people he has been admiring for so long. The race was about to start and he was in line with the other racers, everybody looking very nervous. 3,2,1! He starts racing and the first few minutes he’s going really fast and he is in about 3rd place, then he is staying the same for a few minutes then a racer starts getting super fast. No one knew how he got faster out of nowhere, but he did and Jake went down to about 6th place (out of 15). After that, the racer that sped up got tired and slowed down a bit and Jake went up. Then he stayed about the same again for a little while. Suddenly, Jake heard a noise and started to slow down. He had no idea what had happened, but then he noticed that he had a flat tire! He started going down in the rankings again. He then knew he had to step up his game and he changed his tire super quickly and he was done in less than a minute. He now had a fresh new tire, and he also managed to get some more gas in that amount of time. He was going faster than ever. He could feel the wind in his face and he just felt like he was in his happiest place. He satrted moving up again and he was back in action in 3rd place again. Suddenly the race was already over, It felt like the race had lasted for olny 5 seconds. Jake ended up in 3rd place. It was quite the ride!


I hope you enjoyed my story! Please follow my blog for more:)




My Avatar :)

That is my avatar! I created this avatar on a great site called avatar maker.

As you can see I have wavy, light brown hair and brown eyes. My parents both have black hair so I don’t really know how I got light brown hair, but everyone in my family has brown eyes. That’s me!