An Old Slideshow From This Year:)

My assignment today was to show an old slideshow from this year, and explain what I needed to do for it. The slideshow I picked was from social studies. Here is a link to it:


What I needed to do for this project is, I got assigned a political party and I needed to write about it and explain what things they wanted to change and why. I did this project for the student vote that our school did, and I think a bunch of other schools in Canada did too. (Comment if you did it!) Our class made slideshows about almost all of the most popular political parties and then presented them to Grade 3 – Grade 8. After everyone presented the kids got to vote. This was just to see that if the kids voted who would win. In the end, the conservative party won for our school. Also, I didn’t do that project alone, I did it with one of my best friends Audrey. You should go check out her blog too, it is amazing! Here is the link to it:

Audrey’s blog:)


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